javascript - Setting window.pageYOffset in Firefox doing nothing? -

i'm using recent version of firefox.

i'm trying window scroll position before submitting form.

in html head of page there's code: if ( !== null) { window.pageyoffset =; }

and later validation function called has following line in it: = window.pageyoffset; since function submits form page automatically reloaded.

i've verified validation function called, executing way through including line above.

i've verified code in html head being executed (including inside if statement - not null.

i've verified both , window.pageyoffset set 630.

yet window stays @ position 0 (zero).

i've tried setting window.pageyoffset directly 630 , nothing. page stays @ topmost (default) position.

what missing?

because readonly? use window.scrolltop = offsetvalue; set scroll position.


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