javascript - Fill a container with content using React.JS -

i have container element, react component, specific height. have api returns blocks of contents of variable length, based on requested id.


i want request new block of content api until container overflowing.

my code works, rerenders content blocks , adds 1 in each render, until container full. seems bad approach.

class contents extends react.component {      constructor() {         super();          this.state = {             numelements: 0         };     }      render() {         const elements = [];         for(let = 0; < this.state.numelements; i++) {             elements.push(this._getelementcontents(i));         }          return(<div id="contents">             { => element)}         </div>);     }       componentdidmount() {         // start 'filling loop'         this._addelement();     }      componentdidupdate() {         // keep adding stuff until container full         if(document.getelementbyid('contents').clientheight < window.outerheight - 400) {             this._addelement();         }     }      _addelement() {         // setstate cause render() called again         this.setstate({numelements: this.state.numelements + 1});     }      _getelementcontents(i) {         // simplified, gets stuff api:         let contents = api_response;         return(<element key={i} body={contents} />);     } } 

how can append elements container until filled, without re-adding, re-querying api , re-rendering existing elements on each loop?

i can't see how calling api or under condition. understanding should 2 things.

keep elements array state object , push new elements whenever arrive.

use shouldcomponentupdate instead of componentdidupdate same condition judge when have request more elements api.

eventually draw state.elements. whenever receive new 1 use local elements got redraw component instead of making api calls on again


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