javascript - How to make two arrays match by filling in zeroes? -

in javascript i'm grabbing results here, , putting them 2 variables: ticks , s1.

var viewmodel = @html.raw(json.encode(model)); var items = viewmodel.date1; var items2 = viewmodel.date2; var newcount; var ticks = []; var s1 = []; var colors = []; (var = 0; < items.length; i++) {                 newcount = items[i].thecount / items2[i].thecount * 100;     ticks.push(items[i].thecycle);     s1.push(newcount);     if (newcount < 98)         colors.push("#ff2f2f");     else         colors.push("#00749f"); } 

the results this:

how many where b.active_serv != 0 - items

cycle   count 1       823 6       530 7       475 9       962 10      591 11      121 13      751 15      716 50      133 100     39  

the total of them (without clause) -items2

cycle   count 1       833 6       532 7       492 9       967 10      611 11      121 13      767 14      37 15      816 16      71 19      3 21      101 23      11 50      133 100     39  

as see, there more cycles in total (items2) in b.active_serv != 0 (items). need fix items match items2 because percentages i'm doing:

newcount = items[i].thecount / items2[i].thecount * 100; 

how go through of variable items , , add 0 in correct positions in array if cycle numbers not match (or missing).

if item array of row objects thecycle , thecount members, returns array of rows in items don't have matching thecycle member in item2 replaced {thecycle:0, thecount:0}

items = row =>                         //is there matching row in items?                        items.filter( r => r.thecycle == row.thecycle).length ==  0 ?                        //if not, fill zeros                       {thecycle:0, thecount:0} :                        //if there is, return items' row                       items.filter( r => r.thecycle == row.thecycle)[0] ); 

of course, assumes r.thecycle unique identifier.

for example, if had these 2 arrays:

var items = [{thecycle:2, thecount:2}, {thecycle:1, thecount:1}]; var items2 = [{thecycle:2, thecount:2}, {thecycle:1, thecount:1}, {thecycle:3, thecount:3} ]; 

we should obtain following resutl:


where third nonexisting object in items replaced zeros.


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