ios - How to extract image from a live photo? -

i know how extract video live photo. explained here.

use phassetresourcemanager video file phassetresource.

phassetresourcemanager.defaultmanager().writedataforassetresource(assetres,      tofile: fileurl, options: nil, completionhandler:    {      // video file has been written path specified via fileurl   } 

but how extract image url phlivephoto. motivation behind both video , image url in order upload server.

well assuming have access phasset can following:

[asset requestcontenteditinginputwithoptions:nil                            completionhandler:^(phcontenteditinginput *contenteditinginput, nsdictionary *info) {       nsurl *imageurl = contenteditinginput.fullsizeimageurl; }]; 


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