c++ - QML How to dynamically access ListView items -

i have listview has dynamically added items, , kinda want know how access items example index. specifically, want have color of item rectangle change when change color using color dialog. guessed should maybe possible first set variable current item before calling color dialog , in onaccepted method change color of item using variable, don't know how achieve of in qml, because rather new qml. maybe can offer cleaner way change color of item's rectangle when color dialog closed (onaccepted). thx help! :)

import qtquick 2.0 import qtquick.window 2.2 import qtquick.controls 1.4 import qtquick.dialogs 1.2 import qtquick.controls.styles 1.4  rectangle {     id: listviewcontainer     width: parent.width/10*9;     height: 50     behavior on height {         numberanimation {             duration: 100;         }     }      gradient: gradient {         gradientstop {position: 0.0; color: "white" }         gradientstop {position: 1.0; color: "silver" }     }     radius: 5     colordialog {         id: colordialog         title: "please choose color"         onaccepted: {             console.log("you chose: " + colordialog.color)             qt.quit()         }         onrejected: {             console.log("canceled")             qt.quit()         }     }      component {         id: playerdelegate         item {             anchors.left: parent.left             anchors.right: parent.right             height: 50             column {                 text { text: '<b>name:</b> ' + name }                 row {                     mousearea {                         width: 20                         height: 20                         onclicked: {                             colordialog.visible = true;                             playercolor = colordialog.color;                             //open color dialog                         }                          rectangle {                             radius: 3                             anchors.fill: parent                             color: playercolor                         }                     }                 }             }         }     }      listview {         id: playerlistview         anchors.fill: parent         model:             listmodel {                 id: playerlistviewmodel;                 listelement {                     name: "bill smith"                     playercolor: "red"                 }         }         delegate: playerdelegate     }     button {         id: addplayerbutton         anchors.top: playerlistview.bottom         anchors.left: playerlistview.left         anchors.right: playerlistview.right         style: buttonstyle {             label: text {                 text: "add new player"                 horizontalalignment: text.center             }         }         onclicked: {             root.addnewplayer(playerlistview); //dont worry method             playerlistviewmodel.append({name: "billy", playercolor: "blue"});             listviewcontainer.height += 50;         }     } } 

here sure fire way make working colordialog --

in playerdelegate

 component {     id: playerdelegate     item {       anchors.left: parent.left       anchors.right: parent.right       height: 50       column {         text {           text: '<b>name:</b> ' + name         }          /* object store value color selector */         item {           id: colorselector                 property color color: "#000000"             oncolorchanged: { playercolor = color; }           }  /* box display color */         rectangle {             //layout.fillwidth: true           height: 120           width: 120           anchors.left: button.right             //layout.alignment: qt.alignhcenter           color: colorselector.color           border.width: 1           border.color: "#000000"           }  /* button open dialog -- can mousearea or other clickable object */           button {           id: button           text: "browse..."           onclicked: {             colordialog.color = colorselector.color             colordialog.open()           }         }    /* actual color dialog delegate */                 colordialog {           id: colordialog           modality: qt.applicationmodal           title: "please choose color"           onaccepted: colorselector.color = currentcolor         }       }     }   }   


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