vb.net - Several rows in SQL Developer but VB says no rows -

    dim test123 string     dim conn oledb.oledbconnection = new oledbconnection("private")     conn.open()     dim myselectquery string = "select mti_part_no,sum(mpcs.shop_inv_history.quantity) febqty mpcs.shop_inventory, mpcs.shop_inv_history mpcs.shop_inv_history.date_time '%feb% %2015%' , comments = 'check item out' , mpcs.shop_inventory.si_key=mpcs.shop_inv_history.si_key , shop_inventory.category between 900 , 999 , shop_inventory.scrap_flag <> 1 group mti_part_no order febqty desc"     dim cmd oledbcommand = new oledbcommand(myselectquery, conn)     dim myreader oledbdatareader     myreader = cmd.executereader()     myreader.read()     test123 = myreader("febqty") 

there 180 rows when copy/paste query sql developer, whenever try use in vb.net populate listview, getting nothing. tossed above code see getting febqty , error there no rows, same mti_part_no. can't figure out problem is.


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