soap - Namespace issue with wsdl generated from JAX WS -

i have web service deployed on tomcat server , have generated wsdl file same.

later generated new soap project through wsdl, , executed soap request server.

the problem here @ server side, unmarshalling of xml failing because of namespace prefix "inputdata" , "ccna" wrong. cfa.

according java code, namespaces inputdata xs , ccna bim. so, if modify soap request, unmarshall fine on server side.

so, issue ? wsdl generation or anywhere else in jax ws ? should not modifying soap request.

soap request :

<soapenv:envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:cfa="" xmlns:bim="" xmlns:xs="">    <soapenv:header/>    <soapenv:body>       <cfa:getcfacircuit>          <!--optional:-->          <cfacircuitrequest>             <bim:requestid>123</bim:requestid>             <bim:webservicename>123</bim:webservicename>             <bim:requestpurpose>123</bim:requestpurpose>             <bim:authorizationinfo>                <!--optional:-->                <bim:applicationid>123</bim:applicationid>                <!--optional:-->                <bim:userid>123</bim:userid>                <!--optional:-->                <bim:userid>123</bim:userid>                <bim:password>123</bim:password>             </bim:authorizationinfo>             <!--optional:-->             <bim:targetschemaversionused>                <!--optional:-->                <bim:targetxsdname>123</bim:targetxsdname>                <!--optional:-->                <bim:majorversionnumber>123</bim:majorversionnumber>                <!--optional:-->                <bim:minorversionnumber>123</bim:minorversionnumber>             </bim:targetschemaversionused>             <!--optional:-->             <bim:timeoutsecond>123</bim:timeoutsecond>             <!--optional:-->             <bim:sendtimestamp>123</bim:sendtimestamp>             <cfa:inputdata>                <cfa:ccna>123</cfa:ccna>                <xs:cablekey>                   <!--optional:-->                   <xs:lowunit>123</xs:lowunit>                   <!--optional:-->                   <xs:highunit>123</xs:highunit>                   <!--optional:-->                   <xs:cableid>123</xs:cableid>                   <!--optional:-->                   <xs:cablesubpath>123</xs:cablesubpath>                   <!--optional:-->                   <xs:cllialocation>123</xs:cllialocation>                   <!--optional:-->                   <xs:cllizlocation>123</xs:cllizlocation>                </xs:cablekey>             </cfa:inputdata>          </cfacircuitrequest>       </cfa:getcfacircuit>    </soapenv:body> </soapenv:envelope> 

xml annotation input data on server :

@xmlelement(name = "inputdata", namespace = "", required = true)

i guess xml request incorrect. please try validate first request against xml schema.

it not matter namespace prefix use, need make sure xml elements match appropriate namespace.


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