node.js - TFS (on premise) build output shown with wrong character-encoding -
we have tfs2015 , build definition following:
when trigger build output wrong character encoding:
2016-09-07t11:40:29.2722404z ΓööΓöÇΓöÇ readable-stream@2.1.5 (buffer-shims@1.0.0, inherits@2.0.1, string_decoder@0.10.31, core-util-is@1.0.2, util-deprecate@1.0.2, process-nextick-args@1.0.7, isarray@1.0.0) 2016-09-07t11:40:29.2722404z run-sequence@1.2.2 node_modules\run-sequence 2016-09-07t11:40:29.2722404z ΓööΓöÇΓöÇ chalk@1.1.3 (supports-color@2.0.0, escape-string-regexp@1.0.5, ansi-styles@2.2.1, strip-ansi@3.0.1, has-ansi@2.0.0) 2016-09-07t11:40:29.2722404z vinyl-source-stream@1.1.0 node_modules\vinyl-source-stream 2016-09-07t11:40:29.2722404z Γö£ΓöÇΓöÇ vinyl@0.4.6 (clone-stats@0.0.1, clone@0.2.0) 2016-09-07t11:40:29.2722404z ΓööΓöÇΓöÇ through2@0.6.5 (xtend@4.0.1, readable-stream@1.0.34) 2016-09-07t11:40:29.2722404z gulp-concat@2.6.0 node_modules\gulp-concat 2016-09-07t11:40:29.2762404z Γö£ΓöÇΓöÇ concat-with-sourcemaps@1.0.4 (source-map@0.5.6) 2016-09-07t11:40:29.2762404z ΓööΓöÇΓöÇ through2@0.6.5 (xtend@4.0.1, readable-stream@1.0.34) 2016-09-07t11:40:29.2762404z vinyl-buffer@1.0.0 node_modules\vinyl-buffer 2016-09-07t11:40:29.2762404z Γö£ΓöÇΓöÇ through2@0.6.5 (xtend@4.0.1, readable-stream@1.0.34)
any idea how fix it?
edit: when log build server vm , run npm install command prompt, correct output:
run-sequence@1.2.2 node_modules\run-sequence └── chalk@1.1.3 (escape-string-regexp@1.0.5, ansi-styles@2.2.1, supports-color@2.0.0, has-ansi@2.0.0, strip-ansi@3.0.1) merge-stream@1.0.0 node_modules\merge-stream └── readable-stream@2.1.5 (inherits@2.0.3, buffer-shims@1.0.0, string_decoder@0.10.31, process-nextick-args@1.0.7, util-deprecate@1.0.2, core-util-is@1.0.2, isarray@1.0.0) vinyl-source-stream@1.1.0 node_modules\vinyl-source-stream ├── vinyl@0.4.6 (clone-stats@0.0.1, clone@0.2.0) └── through2@0.6.5 (xtend@4.0.1, readable-stream@1.0.34)
dev-machine environment:
os name: microsoft windows 10 enterprise active code page: 437 (both build server , dev machine) system locale: sk;slovak node version: 5.10.1 npm version: 3.8.5
build server environment
os name: microsoft windows server 2012 r2 standard active code page: 437 (both build server , dev machine) system locale: en-us;english (united states) node version: 5.10.1 npm version: 3.8.5
tfs version 14.102.25423.0 (update 3), resides on server, don't have access. see webportal.
steps reproduce:
- npm init
- npm install run-sequence --save-dev
- push tfs git repository
- create build definition single step: npm install
- queue new build
i have tried gulp imagemin task in build, couldn't reproduce issue on side. in order narrow down issue, please check:
- whether tfs 2015 has upgraded latest edition update 3.
- check whether npm latest version on build server.
- manually run gulp task on build agent server see whether issue can reproduced.
- if options above not work, please share detailed setting of build tasks, i'd set same environment check whether issue can reproduced.
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