c# - Serve file in byte[] as URL -
i working on serverside component of webapp should display images stored in database.
i trying find way transform byte array or stream valid url html img tag.
the byte[] contains entire file including headers.
i have searched solution kept finding reverse problem of saving filestream url.
is there way serve file via kind of dynamically generated url or have create physical copy of file link to?
you can convert byte array base64 image.
public string getbase64image(byte[] myimage) { if (myimage!= null) { return "data:image/jpeg;base64," + convert.tobase64string(myimage); } else { return string.empty; } }
your image tag this: <img src="...">
or larger images (and other file types) it's better use generic handler
public void processrequest(httpcontext context) { //check if querystring 'id' exists if (context.request.querystring["id"] != null) { string idnr = context.request.querystring["id"].tostring(); //check if id falls withing length parameters if (idnr.length > 0 && idnr.length < 40) { //get data db or other source byte[] bin = getmydatafromdb(); //clear headers context.response.clearheaders(); context.response.clearcontent(); context.response.clear(); context.response.buffer = true; //if not want images cached browser remove these 3 lines context.response.cache.setexpires(datetime.now.addmonths(1)); context.response.cache.setcacheability(httpcacheability.public); context.response.cache.setvaliduntilexpires(false); //set content type , headers context.response.contenttype = "image/jpeg"; context.response.addheader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"myimage.jpg\""); context.response.addheader("content-length", bin.length.tostring()); //write byte array context.response.outputstream.write(bin, 0, bin.length); //cleanup context.response.flush(); context.response.close(); context.response.end(); } } }
your image tag this: <img src="/handler1.ashx?id=ab-1234">
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