android - jQuery draggable() element doesn't start till after the second tap (on double tap only), any explanation? -

i have draggable element responses tap/touch event dragged on slider. works fine on ios devices. on android, works if second tap slider's icon! need work first tap.

i'm using jquery touch punch plugin already. here code

$(".slider").draggable({                      axis: "x",                      containment: "parent"                  },                          {                              start: function () {                                  console.log("dragging started");                              },                              stop: function () {                                    sliderpos = $(".slider").css("left");                                  sliderpos = number(sliderpos.replace("px", ""));                                    sizer = (math.round((sliderpos / newsliderwidth) * 10) + 10) * 2;                                  $('.reader_text_container, .surah_title_item').css("font-size", sizer + "px");                                  saves.setitem("font-size", sizer);                                  var thisheight = $('.reader_title_top_bar_heading').outerheight() + 'px';                                  $('.reader_text_bookmark').css("top", thisheight);                                }                          });


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