django - when to use fabric or ansible? -


i'd have reliable django deployments , think i'm not following best practices here. till i've been using fabric configuration management tool in order deploy django sites i'm not sure that's best way go.

in high performance django book there warning says:

fabric not configuration management tool. trying use 1 cause heartache , pain. fabric excellent choice executing scripts in 1 or more remote systems, that's small piece of puzzle. don't reinvent wheel building own configuration management system on top of fabric

so, i've decided want learn ansible.


  • does make sense using both fabric , ansible tools somehow?
  • is possible use ansible windows development environment deploy production centos(6/7) servers?
  • there nice site contains lot of playbooks, recommendation deploy django on centos servers?

does make sense using both fabric , ansible tools somehow?

yes. logic should live in ansible , can use fabric lightweight wrapper around it.

fab deploy

is easier remember than, e.g.

ansible-playbook -v --inventory=production --tags=app site.yml

is possible use ansible windows development environment deploy production centos(6/7) servers?

sounds can't. alternatively, if use fabric, copy ansible playbooks server (or pull directly git) , run ansible there.


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