html - Can I put radial-gradient into a image -

i have html code

<div class="right">      <div class="img">           <img ng-src="{{ticket.thumbnail}}">      </div> </div> 

and scss

.right{       width: 25vw;       display: flex;       justify-content: center;       align-items: center;       border-bottom-right-radius: 5px;       border-top-right-radius: 5px;        background-image: radial-gradient(circle @ 0% 0%, $mainbackground 9px, transparent 9px),       radial-gradient(circle @ 0% 100%, $mainbackground 9px, $footer 9px);       .img{         overflow: hidden;         display: flex;         justify-content: center;          img{           height: 16.2vh;         }       }      } 

the result of is:

enter image description here

i want have both borders right one. know solid background, not image. 1 know is:

enter image description here

thanks million


i tried put image background of .right class:

<div class="right" ng-style="{'background-image' : 'radial-gradient(circle @ 0% 0%, #150357 9px, transparent 9px),           radial-gradient(circle @ 0% 100%, #150357 9px, url({{ticket.thumbnail}}) 9px)'}">  </div> 

the problem doesn't show nothing:

enter image description here

the html output is:

enter image description here

i think if show image in background place, should work want.

no can't in image. should edit first


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