c# - Passing back a single object when using EditorFor(model[]) -

this has been thorn in side while. if use editorfor on array of objects , editor template has form in ex.

public class foocontroller:controller{    pubic actionresult action(foo foo){     blah...   } } 


@model ienumerable<foo> @html.editorfor(m=> m) 


 @model foo  @using (html.beginform("action", "controller")) {     @html.textboxfor(f=> f.a)     @html.checkboxfor(f=> f.b)     @html.labelfor(f=> f.b) } 

so i'll hit few problems.

the checkbox label's doesn't bind correctly checkbox (this has label not receiving proper name of property ([0].a opposed a).

i'm aware can rid of pre- text doing foreach on model in index screws ids , naming framework doesnt realize there multiples of same item , give them same names.

for checkboxes i've been doing manually such.

  @html.checkboxfor(m => m.a, new {id= html.namefor(m => m.a)})   <label for="@html.namefor(m => m.a)">a</label> 

however cant solve inability of controller accept item single model. i've tried allowing array of foo's in action parameters work when first item being edited ([0]...) if other item in array (ex. [1].a) controller doesn't know how parse it. appreciated.

make model class properties need. create class in models subfolder

public class mymodel {  public ienumerable<foo> foolist { ; set;}  public string { get;set;} } 

your editorfor have have foreach loop foolist... mvc attempt put model form , return post action in controller.


you create editortemplate foo. in views/shared/editortemplates folder, create footemplate.cs

@model foo <div class="span6 float-left" style="margin-bottom: 6px">     @html.textboxfor(m => m.a, new { style = "width:190px" })     @html.checkboxfor(m => m.b, new { style = "width:40px" })     @html.validationmessage("foo", null, new { @class = "help-inline" }) </div> 

then in view

@foreach (var myfoo in model)     {       @editorfor(myfoo)     } 

this still suffers "model gets passed whole" requiredment of yours. not sure why there need process these individually.


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