AngularJS Unit Testing: Attaching Data from $q.resolve() to object -
i'm testing service uses service api calls, let's call data service. data service tested elsewhere, i've abstracted away simple implementation contains empty functions; i'm returning data via deferred object , jasmine's spyon syntax.
the trouble i'm finding approach when data returned, it's not available on calling object, if used $httpbackend. aware use $httpbackend, i'd know if i've missed (simple or otherwise) in approach.
example section of code i'm trying test:
storethedata = dataservice.getsomedata(); storethedata.$promise.then(function(data) { /*this work*/ console.log(data); /*but not, when testing using $q*/ _.foreach(storethedata, function(storeddata) { /*do each object returned*/ }); });
as side note, don't think situation helped ...$promise.then on line, ideally wouldn't change code (i'm providing test coverage written while ago...)
example of test:
beforeeach( ... dataservice = { getsomedata: function () { } }; getsomedatadeferred = $q.defer(); spyon(dataservice, "getsomedata").and.returnvalue({$promise: getsomedatadeferred.promise}); ... ); it(... getsomedatadeferred.resolve([{obj: "obj1"}, {obj: "obj2"}]); $scope.$apply(); ... );
with test described above, console.log(data) testable data accessible being passed .then(). data not available storethedata, storethedata[0].obj undefined. on debug, can see data if go through promise attached storethedata via storethedata.$$state.value
like said, know use $httpbackend instead, there way $q without changing code under test?
i've not found way $q.resolve, have solution doesn't involve using data service or changing code under test. good, because main things wanted avoid testing data service side effect , changing code.
my solution create $resource object via $injector...
$resource = $inject.get("$resource");
...then return in basic implementation of data service. means use $httpbackend respond request end point isn't reliant on data service's definition staying consistent.
dataservice = { getsomedata: function () { /* new code starts here */ var resource = $resource(null, null, { get: { method: "get", isarray: true, url: "/getsomedata" } }); return resource.get(); /* new code ends here */ } }; ... $httpbackend.when("get", "/getsomedata").respond(...;
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