android - Upgrading my SQLite db -

i quite new sqlite.
how upgrade db?

my previous database version had 7 questions in it.
today added 13 new ones, making them 20 in total.
added them using addquestion method.
however, not work.

i have been tinkering onupgrade.
doing wrong.

public class quizhelper extends sqliteopenhelper {      private static final int database_version = 1;     private static final string database_name = "creativequestion";     private static final string table_quest = "quest";     private static final string key_id = "qid";     private static final string key_quest = "question";      private sqlitedatabase dbase;        public quizhelper(context context) {         super( context, database_name, null, database_version );     }      @override     public void oncreate(sqlitedatabase db) {         dbase = db;         string sql = "create table if not exists " + table_quest + " ( " + key_id + " integer primary key autoincrement, " + key_quest + " text)";         db.execsql( sql );         addquestion();       }      private void addquestion() {          questionfaci q1 = new questionfaci( "other uses: name other uses of hammer. \n\n example: stir soup." );         this.addquestion(q1);         questionfaci q2 = new questionfaci( "rhymes: words rhymes rice. \n\n example: ice" );         this.addquestion(q2);         questionfaci q3 = new questionfaci( "with: can cook eggs with... \n\n example: piece of plywood" );         this.addquestion(q3);         questionfaci q4 = new questionfaci( "without: can wash clothes without... \n\n example: aunt" );         this.addquestion(q4);         questionfaci q5 = new questionfaci( "i will: if bill gates, will... \n\n example: buy spaceship" );         this.addquestion(q5);         questionfaci q6 = new questionfaci( "create movie title: night \n\n example: remember" );         this.addquestion(q6);         questionfaci q7 = new questionfaci( "other names: other names of cow \n\n example: milk giver" );         this.addquestion(q7);         questionfaci q8 = new questionfaci( "other uses: name other uses of cowboy boots. \n\n example: pound nail." );         this.addquestion(q8);         questionfaci q9 = new questionfaci( "rhymes: bake a. \n\n example: flake." );         this.addquestion(q9);         questionfaci q10 = new questionfaci( "i will: drive helicopter \n\n example: eyes closed" );         this.addquestion(q10);         questionfaci q11 = new questionfaci( "create title: greatest \n\n example: heist" );         this.addquestion(q11);         questionfaci q12 = new questionfaci( "change ingredient: --- cookie \n\n example: orange chip" );         this.addquestion(q12);         questionfaci q13 = new questionfaci( "finish me: can remember times when.. \n\n example: push me on cliff" );         this.addquestion(q13);         questionfaci q14 = new questionfaci( "other names: ball bearings \n\n example: mommy's new bangles" );         this.addquestion(q14);         questionfaci q15 = new questionfaci( "finish me: donut rolls \n\n example: down hill" );         this.addquestion(q15);         questionfaci q16 = new questionfaci( "rhymes: flip \n\n example: clip" );         this.addquestion(q16);         questionfaci q17 = new questionfaci( "other names: police \n\n example: civilian peacekeeper" );         this.addquestion(q17);         questionfaci q18 = new questionfaci( "create title: go go \n\n example: changin" );         this.addquestion(q18);         questionfaci q19 = new questionfaci( "i will: distribute screwdrivers \n\n example: drivers" );         this.addquestion(q19);         questionfaci q20 = new questionfaci( "create dish: chicken --- soup \n\n example: dumpling" );         this.addquestion(q20);     }      @override     public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldv, int newv) {         string upgradequery = "alter table quest add column question text";         if(newv>oldv)             db.execsql( upgradequery );         oncreate( db );       }      private void addquestion(questionfaci quest) {         contentvalues values = new contentvalues(  );         values.put(key_quest, quest.getquestion());         dbase.insert( table_quest, null, values );     }       public list<questionfaci> getallquestions(){         list<questionfaci> queslist = new arraylist<questionfaci>(  );         string selectquery = "select * " + table_quest;         dbase = this.getreadabledatabase();         cursor cursor = dbase.rawquery( selectquery, null );         if (cursor.movetofirst()){             do{                 questionfaci quest = new questionfaci(  );                 quest.setid( cursor.getint( 0 ) );                 quest.setquestion( cursor.getstring( 1 ) );                  queslist.add(quest);                 } while (cursor.movetonext());          }          return queslist;      } } 

you should increase database_version variable example 2. call onupgrade method.

it's not best approach can drop table if version of current database higher , call oncreate().

  @override     public void onupgrade(sqlitedatabase db, int oldv, int newv) {         string upgradequery = "drop table if exists quest";         db.execsql( upgradequery );         oncreate( db );         } 


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