Single pixel event image processing in python -

i have had lonng term problem proceccing ccd image of xray source, attached hereccd image after theresholding arbitrary value, thing need subtract multi-pixel events image. need count number of pixels belongs single pixels.

*- multi pixel mean pixels has nonzero value in sorounding pixels.

i have code working using read in list , analysis pixel pixel! i'm looking standard image prcessing routin more reliable , better results. appriciate if can give me how it.


you can quite imagemagick installed on linux distros , available osx , windows. there c/c++, python, perl, php, ,net , other bindings available. i'll @ command line here.

so, here start image:

enter image description here

first, let's threshold @ arbitrary 80%:

convert ccd.png -threshold 80% result.png 

enter image description here

now let's find white pixels have no other white pixels around them:

convert ccd.png -threshold 80% -morphology hmt peaks:1.9 result.png 

enter image description here

the technique "hit-and-miss morphology" , described here in anthony thyssen's excellent imagemagick usage pages. search on page "peak" find exact paragraph.

now let's count them:

convert ccd.png -threshold 80% -morphology hmt peaks:1.9 -format "%[fx:int(mean*w*h)]" info: 975 

let's check multi-pixel events removed:

convert ccd.png -threshold 80% \( +clone -morphology hmt peaks:1.9 \) -compose difference -composite result.png 

enter image description here


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