node.js - Google App Engine - nodejs application goes down over night -

hi using google app engine host single instance nodejs application. application works fine , scripts showing no errors in logs. application in testing , not getting used on night, come work next day , server returning internal server errors. no errors shown in application log other 502 errors when trying access next day. see 100s of calls /_ah/_background/ overnight appear have timed out. @ point must restart instance app continue function.

i stumped.. because app using web-sockets must use manual scaling , single instance. appreciate / suggestions.

i venture gues have deferred task stuck running. tasks run in taskqueue api set default continuously retry. can visit taskqueue api taskqueue api

to tasks stop running right visit google cloud console select project. select app engine. select task queues. click on task running (probably default). there should option pause queue. should prevent 500 errors occurring not fix reason task failing.


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