javascript - infragistics webdatagrid get selected cell from keydown event in client side -

i have build infragistics webdatagrid in c# :

        var columnone = new bounddatafield();         columnone.datafieldname = "columnone";         columnone.key = "columnone";         columnone.header.text = "columnone";          var columntwo = new bounddatafield();         columntwo.datafieldname = "columntwo";         columntwo.key = "columntwo";         columntwo.header.text = "columntwo";          webdatagridobject.datakeyfields = "columnone";         webdatagridobject.columns.add(columnone);         webdatagridobject.columns.add(columntwo); 

i javascript update cell column 2 when typed in cell column one.

for example, user starts typing value in cell @ line 3 , column one, cell @ line , column 2 must automatically updated constant value, "updated".

to that, bit struggling, have attach lot of client events c#, , think 1 usefull keydown :

webdatagridobject.clientevents.mousedown = "webdatagridview_mousedown"; webdatagridobject.clientevents.keydown = "webdatagridview_keydown"; webdatagridobject.behaviors.editingcore.behaviors.cellediting.celleditingclientevents.enterededitmode = "enterededitmode"; webdatagridobject.behaviors.editingcore.behaviors.cellediting.celleditingclientevents.exitededitmode = "exitededitmode"; 

i js keydown event handler, getting column key of cell edited, , if it's equals "columnone", update value of cell @ same line , on column two. js :

function webdatagridview_keydown(webdatagrid, evntargs) {   }  function webdatagridview_mousedown(webdatagrid, evntargs) { // trying column key of edited cell     webdatagrid.get_behaviors().get_selection().get_selectedrowsresolved()    [0].get_cell(3).get_text()  }  var gridref; var cellref;  function enterededitmode(grid, args) {     gridref = grid;     cellref = args.getcell();     if (cellref._column._key === "headername") {         alert('toto');     } }   function exitededitmode(grid, args) {     gridref = null;     cellref = null; } 

to column key, should try this:


or this:



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