c# - Find active winform in solution explorer -

i started working on existing solution has large number of winforms. there quick way find design time form, in visual studio solution explorer, when application running?

please note: debug/break me find modal forms (dialogs). interested in finding modeless winforms too. don't consider plowing through design time menus , events quick way..

you make debug menu item on main form , put in :

string test = string.empty; foreach (form item in application.openforms) {     test += item.gettype().tostring() + environment.newline; }  messagebox.show(test); 

this give list of openforms markus g suggested without need of creating form this.

also @ :


it explains how can identify active form, usual microsoft has made things bit complex having 2 methods, 1 mdi forms , 1 none mdi forms


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