c++ - How to insert an edit box into CMFCPropertyGridCtrl for password usage? -

i want insert edit box cmfcpropertygridctrl inputting password. cmfcpropertygridproperty can create normal edit box. how can create new 1 password usage ?

derive new class cmfcpropertygridproperty , override 2 functions: ondrawvalue() , createinplaceedit().

the code prototype may this:

void cmygridproperty::ondrawvalue(cdc* pdc, crect rect) {     // pre-processing     // ...      cstring strval = formatproperty();     if(!strval.isempty())     {         strval = _t("******");  // note: replace plain text "******"     }     rect.deflaterect(afx_text_margin, 0);     pdc->drawtext(strval, rect, dt_left | dt_singleline | dt_vcenter | dt_noprefix | dt_end_ellipsis);      // post-processing     // ... }  cwnd* cmygridproperty::createinplaceedit(crect rectedit, bool& bdefaultformat) {     // pre-processing     // ...      cedit* pwndedit = new cedit;     dword dwstyle = ws_visible | ws_child | es_autohscroll | es_password;   // note: add 'es_password' style here     pwndedit->create(dwstyle, rectedit, m_pwndlist, afx_proplist_id_inplace);      // post-processing     // ...      return pwndedit; } 


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