php - Unable to post image and text to database. Receiving no errors -

hey guys having issues php file supposed allow user post status along picture uploaded server , path along username of user added db.

db colomns:

  • postid (a.i)

  • username

  • status

  • imagepostpath

  • timestamp (added automatically inserting new entry)

extra info: have changed code 1 of working ones, when attempt test php file postman error "[]".

i'm not familiar php if see mistake i'm making simple, please me understand :) here code:

<?php    //importing dbdetails file   require_once 'dbdetails.php';   //this our upload folder   $upload_path = '000002/';   //getting server ip   $server_ip = gethostbyname(gethostname());   //creating upload url   $upload_url = 'http://'.$server_ip.'/users/images/'.$upload_path;    //response array   $response = array();     if($_server['request_method']=='post'){   //checking required parameters request   if(isset($_post['name']) , isset($_files['image']['name'])){   //connecting database   $con = mysqli_connect(host,user,pass,db) or die('unable connect...');   //getting name request   $name = $_post['name'];  $status = $_post['status'];  $timestamp = date('y-m-d h:i:s');   //getting file info request   $fileinfo = pathinfo($_files['image']['name']);   //getting file extension   $extension = $fileinfo['extension'];   //file url store in database   $file_url = $upload_url . getfilename() . '.' . $extension;   //file path upload in server   $file_path = $upload_path . getfilename() . '.'. $extension;    //trying save file in directory   try{  //saving file   move_uploaded_file($_files['image']['tmp_name'],$file_path);  $sql = "insert `flare`.`tbl_user_feed` (`postid`, `username`, `status`, `imagepostpath`, `timestamp`) values (null, '$name', '$status', '$file_url');";   //adding path , name database   if(mysqli_query($con,$sql)){   //filling response array values   $response['error'] = false;   $response['name'] =  $name;  $response['imagepostpath'] = $file_url;    }  //if error occurred   }catch(exception $e){  $response['error']=true;  $response['message']=$e->getmessage();  }   //displaying response   echo json_encode($response);   //closing connection   mysqli_close($con);  }else{  $response['error']=true;  $response['message']='please choose file';  }  }   /*  generating file name   method return file name image upload   */  function getfilename(){  $con = mysqli_connect(host,user,pass,db) or die('unable connect...');  $sql = "select max(postid) postid tbl_user_feed";  $result = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($con,$sql));   mysqli_close($con);  if($result['postid']==null)  return 1;   else   return ++$result['postid'];   }  ?> 

change these lines:


your file path same old files being overwritten new...randomize md5()

$unix = time(); $file_path = $upload_path . getfilename() . md5($unix) . '.'. $extension;  

then alter query slightly

$sql = "insert `flare`.`tbl_user_feed` (`postid`, `username`, `status`, `imagepostpath`, `timestamp`) values (null, '$name', '$status', '$file_url', '$unix')";// remove semicolon before last double quote , add value 5th column 


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