New line javascript or -

i want add new line in code files can under each other. post code js , link buttons.

$(qfiles).each(function (i)                     {                         var = document.createelement('a');                         var issharepoint = this.issharepoint;                         var img =document.createelement('img') ;                         if (issharepoint) {                    = "_blank";                             a.href = this.filepath;                             img.src = apppath + '/images/pagelink_16x16.png';                         }                          else {                             var filepath = this.filepath;                             var filename = this.filename;                             a.onclick = function() {                                 downloadfile(filepath + "\\" + filename);                             };                             img.src = apppath + '/images/download_16x16.png';                         }                         qdiv.appendchild(img);                         a.innerhtml += this.filename;                         a.classname = "linksurrogate singleline";                         qdiv.appendchild(a);                     });                      qdiv = $(config.jqueryselectors.quotefiles);                     var dialog = qdiv.dialog({                         autoopen: true,                         height: config.dialog.height,                         width: config.dialog.width,                         closeonescape: true,                         resizable: false,                         title:"quote "+ quoteno +" files",                         modal: true,                         buttons: {                             "close": function () {                                 qdiv.dialog('close');                             }                         }                     });  

as can see here validation, if sharepoint or not. , there dialog 2 files appear. , here code link buttons:

<div id="quotefiles" style="display: none">             <asp:linkbutton cssclass="linkbutton" id="downloadfile" clientidmode="static" runat="server" onclick="downloadfile_click"></asp:linkbutton>             <asp:linkbutton cssclass="linkbutton" id="sharepoint" clientidmode="static" runat="server" onclick="downloadfile_click"></asp:linkbutton>             <asp:label runat="server" id="quotefiles" clientidmode="static" text="there no files attached."></asp:label>         </div> 

i tried document.write both \n , <br /> , didn't worked. tried put new line in asp page, nothing seemes work.

after code line:


put after it:

var p = document.createelement('p'); qdiv.appendchild(p); 

this written after link (file -> link -> newline). create empty p tag. append br tag, doesn't show , need 2 br's shown 2 newlines on browsers , 1 newline on other browsers, empty p tag want cause rendered correctly browsers.


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