networking - Kafka Docker network_mode -

i'm trying kafka , running on mac using docker compose.

this docker-compose.yml file:

version: '2' services: zookeeper:    image: ********    network_mode: "host"    hostname: "zookeeper"    environment:      - "myid=1"    ports:      - "2181:2181"      - "3888:3888" mysql:    image: *******    network_mode: "host"    hostname: "mysql"    environment:      - "mysql_root_password=password"    ports:      - "3306:3306" schema-registry:    image: ********    network_mode: "host"    hostname: "schema-registry"    environment:      - "zookeeper_url="    ports:      - "8081:8081" kafka:    image: **********    network_mode: "host"    hostname: "kafka"    environment:      - "service_name=localhost"      - "service_tags=syracuse-dev"      - "kafka_advertised_host_name=localhost"      - "kafka_zookeeper_connect=localhost:2181"      - "kafka_num_partitions=10"      - "kafka_listeners=plaintext://:9092"      - "kafka_broker_id=1"      - "kafka_default_replication_factor=1"    ports:      - "9092:9092"      - "7203:7203" 

everything gets , running exception of kafka. kafka loads looks zookeeper once found receive following error.

found zookeeper error: exception thrown agent : local host name unknown: moby: moby: unknown error 

i able kafka , running removing "network_mode: "host" lines each container. , setting zookeeper url to: "zookeeper:2181"

it's unclear me network_mode , why impeded kafka running. i'm hoping can shed light onto , educate me.

much appreciated

you may instead of

- "kafka_advertised_host_name=localhost" - "kafka_zookeeper_connect=localhost:2181" 

provide them name of zookeeper container, zookeeper in case.

- "kafka_advertised_host_name=zookeeper" - "kafka_zookeeper_connect=zookeper:2181" 

does help?


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