Building RXTX with --disable-locks -

i need build rxtx ( 64 bit platform --disable-locks. ( target platform ubuntu snappy platform there problem permissions , lock files).

the .configure --disable-locks , make seemed run ok. got new .jar file , result.

however when installed them, following error : java.lang.unsatisfiedlinkerror:; thrown while loading java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: not initialize class thrown while loading

is there else need do? there other object files need copy over.

thanks in advance.

i solved problem myself. problem configure script not expecting java version higher 1.5 shown here in t extract :

case $java_version in 1.2*|1.3*|1.4*|1.5*) #fix_parameters $jpath/jre/lib/ classpath=".:\$(top):\$(top)/src:"find $jpath/ -name rxtxcomm.jar |head -n1 rxtx_path="\$(jpath)/jre/lib/\$(os_arch)" jhome=$jpath/"jre/lib/ext"

so paths not being set correctly me.

i changed case $java_version in 1.2*|1.3*|1.4*|1.5*|1.7*)

then worked ok.


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