reactjs - creating a login component which will show login error -
i creating login component show login error. don't know how bring errors
array _onsubmit
function loginform
here code code.
import react, { component } 'react'; import split 'grommet/components/split'; import section 'grommet/components/section'; import sidebar 'grommet/components/sidebar'; import loginform 'grommet/components/loginform'; //import logo './logo'; import firebase 'firebase'; export default class login extends component { constructor() { super(); this._onsubmit = this._onsubmit.bind(this); this._onresponsive = this._onresponsive.bind(this); this.state = {responsive: 'multiple',errors:[]}; } _onsubmit(fields) { firebase.auth().signinwithemailandpassword(fields.username, fields.password).catch(function(error) { // handle errors here. var errorcode = error.code; var errormessage = error.message; var errors = []; errors.push(errorcode); errors.push(errormessage); console.log(errors); // how bring errors here ?????? }); } _onresponsive(responsive) { this.setstate({responsive: responsive}); } render() { var image; if ('multiple' === this.state.responsive) { image = <section full={true} pad="none" texture="url(img/grafitti.jpg)" />; } return ( <split flex="left" separator={true} onresponsive={this._onresponsive}> {image} <sidebar justify="center" align="center" pad="medium" size="large"> <loginform title="ferret" onsubmit={this._onsubmit} errors={??????} /> </sidebar> </split> ); } }
can give guide? thanks!!!
the issue here creating closure when introduce function within .catch() handler.
you correctly binding this
function, within closure created function() {}
, this
not bound outer scope.
you have option of using arrow function, not create lexical this:
firebase .auth() .signinwithemailandpassword(fields.username, fields.password) .catch((error) => { ... // works since arrow function not create new lexical this.setstate({}) });
or, can bind outer this
(the 1 expecting have setstate()
function) inner closure:
firebase .auth() .signinwithemailandpassword(fields.username, fields.password) .catch(function(error) { this.setstate({}) // bound outer }.bind(this));
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