how to format array from string in php? -

i want if first number in string 2 output 2 array. how explode each array string.

my code

<?php  $str = "2,2;2;,1;1;,07-09-2016;07-09-2016;,08-09-2016;10-09-2016;,1;3;,100.00;450.00;";   $data = explode(',',$str);  $out = array(); for($i=1;$i < count($data)-1;$i++){     $out[]= explode(';',$data[$i]);  }  $i = $out[0][0];   foreach ($out $key => $value) {   for($a=0;$a < $i; $a++){      echo $value[$a]. "<br/>"; }  }  ?> 

i result 221107-09-201607-09-201608-09-201610-09-201613 want format

<?php  $str = "2,2;2;,1;1;,07-09-2016;07-09-2016;,08-09-2016;10-09-2016;,1;3;,100.00;450.00;";  //format split semicomma ; $arr1 = array('2','1','07-09-2016','08-09-2016','1','100.00'); $arr2 = array('2','1','07-09-2016','10-09-2016','3','450.00');  ?> 

the php function array_column come in handy here. here short code example should output looking for.

<?php //your original input $str =     "2,2;2;,1;1;,07-09-2016;07-09-2016;,08-09-2016;10-09-2016;,1;3;,100.00;450.00";  //explode array sub-arrays $arrs = explode(",", $str);  //remove first element sets how many elements in each array $numarrs = array_shift($arrs);  //convert strings wanted sub-arrays array_walk($arrs, function(&$val, $key) {  $val = explode(';',$val); });  //make answer need $ans = array(); for($i=0; $i<$numarrs; $i++) {     //array_column work want, making life easy     $ans[] = array_column($arrs, $i); }  var_dump($ans); 

this process assume string formatted looking - fail horribly if not case.


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