excel - Creating a list of ComboBoxes using VBA that update the values of cells specified in the code -

what trying create program adds combo boxes options. these options should then, depending on option selected, change values in cells specify in code.

this how make combo lists:

private sub workbook_open()  worksheets("sheet1").columns("e")  .columnwidth = 25 end  = 1 6     set curcombo = sheet1.shapes.addformcontrol(xldropdown, left:=cells(i, 5).left, top:=cells(i, 5).top, width:=100, height:=15)     curcombo         .controlformat.dropdownlines = 3         .controlformat.additem "completed", 1         .controlformat.additem "in progress", 2         .controlformat.additem "to done", 3         .name = "mycombo" & cstr(i)         .onaction = "mycombo_change"     end next  end sub 

i want each of dropdown values trigger event mycombo_change , change cell "d" example, combo box 3 located @ e3 , want "to done" clear cell d3 , completed store date (and time) cell d3. should done combo boxes in e column.

private sub mycombo_change(index integer)  me.range("d" & cstr(index)) = me.mycombo.value  end sub 

this code started thinking about, have no idea how call event integer index parameter nor how access cell using said index.

the effect want along lines of this:

enter image description here

use application.caller name of control called mycombo_change event.

sub mycombo_change()      dim curcombo shape     set curcombo = activesheet.shapes(application.caller)     curcombo.topleftcell.offset(0, -1) =  end sub 

assign mycombo_change existing dropdown:

sub assignmacrotoalllistboxes()     dim sh shape     dim ws worksheet      each ws in thisworkbook.worksheets         each sh in ws.shapes             if typename(sh.oleformat.object) = "dropdown"                 sh.oleformat.object.onaction = "mycombo_change"             end if         next     next end sub 

delete dropdowns on sheet1

sub deletealldropdownsonsheet()     each sh in sheet1.shapes         if typename(sh.oleformat.object) = "dropdown"             sh.delete         end if     next end sub 


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