c++ - disable gcov coverage at run-time -

i'm writing test in c++ , i'm using gcov (actually lcov think it's beside point) informations coverage.

is there way disable information record @ run-time? e.g. :

bool mytest() {     objecttotest obj;      /* enable gcov... */      obj.functiontotest();      /* ...disable gcov */      if(obj.getstatus() != whatever)         return false;     else         return true; } 

in case gcov display "covered" functiontotest leave objecttotest constructor , getstatus "uncovered".

thanks in advance!

no, in case of gcov don't have such option.

i have seen such options in coverage tools clover works instrumenting source code directly though.

beside solution problem write part of code different source file , call inside desired source file including it.
suggesting because when generate coverage report later using lcov or gcovr both provide option exclude specified files coverage report passing them flags.


-r tracefile pattern    --remove tracefile pattern           remove data tracefile. 


-e exclude, --exclude=exclude                     exclude data files match regular expression 


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