android - Databinding Error: old values should be followed by new values. Parameter 2 must be the same type as parameter 3 -

i using data binding custom fields. have set custom data binding adapter this.

my binding adapter looks this:

@bindingadapter({"created_by,created_at"}) public static void setdetailcreated(textview textview, string createdby, long createdat) {     calendar cal = calendar.getinstance();     cal.settimeinmillis(createdat);      simpledateformat dateformat = new simpledateformat("h:mm a, dd mmm yyyy");      string format = textview.getcontext().getstring(r.string.details_created, createdby,             dateformat.format(cal.gettime()));      textview.settext(format); } 

and in layout file have:

 ...  <data>      <import type="" />      <import type="com.example.beans.friend" />      <variable         name="user"         type="com.example.beans.user" />      <variable         name="friends"         type="map&lt;string, friend&gt;" />   </data>   ....  ....      <textview         android:layout_width="match_parent"         android:layout_height="wrap_content"         app:created_by="@{friends[user.createdby].name}"         app:created_at="@{user.createdat}" /> 

but while running getting below error:

error:execution failed task ':app:compiledebugjavawithjavac'. java.lang.runtimeexception: failure, see logs details. bindingadapter setdetailcreated(android.widget.textview,java.lang.string,long): old values should followed new values. parameter 2 must same type parameter 3.

i don't understand going wrong here?

error within bindingadapter, should be

@bindingadapter({"created_by","created_at"}) public static void setdetailcreated(textview textview, string createdby, long createdat){  } 

all values should comma seperated , in double quotes.


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