java - Android Studio. Emulator works. App does not run -

i'm using androiod studio 2.1.3. i've made app. no errors, emulator comes up, works, acts phone. problem app not run. cleared errors except saw one:

error while waiting device: emulator process avd nexus_5_api_23

also, tried rebuilding app , got following :

exception in thread "png-cruncher_62" java.lang.runtimeexception: timed out while waiting slave aapt process, make sure aapt execute @ c:\users\owner\appdata\local\android\sdk\build-tools\24.0.2\aapt.exe can run (some anti-virus may block it) or try setting environment variable slave_aapt_timeout value bigger 5 seconds @ @$1.creation( @ @

and that's repeated several times different number on png-cruncher. ideas?

i saw png-cruncher_62 on log, make sure never use - in image name (you can use _ png_cruncher_62 work), android not take it. if it's still not working, try create new emulator , make sure updated in sdk manager :)


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