cakephp 2.0 - PHPExcel works in one view but thows errors in all others -

i have view generates excel sheet , works fine. when go other view within model, error: missing helper

    error: phpexcelhelper not found.      error: create class phpexcelhelper below in file:     app_myapp/view/helper/phpexcelhelper.php      <?php     class phpexcelhelper extends apphelper {      } 

my controller:

    app::import('vendor', 'phpexcel', array('file' => 'phpexcel.php'));     class invoicescontroller extends appcontroller {      public $components = array('requesthandler','phpexcel');      public $helpers = array('html', 'form', 'js'=>array("jquery") ,'phpexcel' ); 

i tried putting app::import line in function generating excel sheet still same error on other page in model.

help/direction appreciated!

i fixed removing phpexcel helpers line...changing:

public $helpers = array('html', 'form', 'js'=>array("jquery") ,'phpexcel' ); 

to this:

public $helpers = array('html', 'form', 'js'=>array("jquery") ); 


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