vba - excel macros for pasting multiple columns data under one column -
in excel data in below format,
but need data in below format,
can me in creating macros it.
i used below macro not working,
sub combinecolumns1() 'updateby extendoffice 20151030 dim xrng range dim i, j integer dim xlastrow integer dim xtxt string on error resume next xtxt = application.activewindow.rangeselection.address set xrng = application.inputbox("please select data range", "kutools excel", xtxt, , , , , 8) if xrng nothing exit sub xlastrow = xrng.columns(1).rows.count + 1 = 4 xrng.columns.count j = 1 3 range(xrng.cells(j, i), xrng.cells(xrng.columns(i).rows.count, i)).cut activesheet.paste destination:=xrng.cells(xlastrow, 1) xlastrow = xlastrow + xrng.columns(i).rows.count next j = 1 = + 2 next end sub
for formula put original data in rows 1 , 2. in row 4 put 3 headers.
then in a5 put formula:
=index($2:$2,((row(1:1) - 1) * 3) + 1 + (column(a:a)-1))
then drag/filled on 2 columns , down 2 rows.
this formula uses entire second row reference data no matter how many columns included , needs drag/filled down sufficient number of rows.
if data pattern different every 3 columns change 3
number of columns in pattern.
as per comments:
=iferror(index($2:$4,int((row(1:1)-1)/(match("zzz",$1:$1)/3))+1,(mod((row(1:1)-1),match("zzz",$1:$1)/3) *3)+1 + (column(a:a)-1)),"")
to go rows first columns flip 2 row references:
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