javascript - nightwatch.js - scroll until element is visible -

i want scroll page until desired element appear visible.

i have tried:

    browser.execute(function () {         window.scrollby(0, 10000000);     }, []); 


browser.getlocationinview("<selector>", function(result) {     this.assert.equal(typeof result, "object");     this.assert.equal(result.status, 0);     this.assert.equal(result.value.x, 200);     this.assert.equal(result.value.y, 200); }); 

first not scroll page , second fails because element not visible.

how fix this? want scroll till element appear visible.

if using jquery can this:

browser.execute(function () {     $(window).scrolltop($('some-element').offset().top - ($(window).height() / 2)); }, []); 

or using plain javascript:

browser.execute(function () {     document.getelementbyid("some-id").scrollintoview(); }, []); 

also, in cases suggest use nightwatch's waitforelementvisible instead of assertions because when using assertions check @ given moment if element visible using waitforelementvisible can specify how long wait visible.

if element hidden might not visible before assertion run causes assertion fail though element visible.


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