java - Do files compiled for armeabi have some problems with armeabi-v7a -

i using library in project play videos. library comes demo project. demo project working fine.

the library has few .jar files, library classes, , lot of .so files. demo project put jar files in lib folder , .so files in armeabi , x86 folder.

i did same, start giving me following error message.

unsatisfiedlinkerror (can't find dependent libraries)

then put these .so files in armeabi-v7a folder, , error gone.

but still not working fine.

its not giving me error message, still not initializing class available in decompiled.class file. same class initializing in demo project. found out problem after debugging both projects.

i have checked each , everything, difference can see in demo , project armeabi-v7a , armeabi.

so files compiled armeabi have problems armeabi-v7a, or can other problem.

arm-eabi vs armeabi-v7a should not problem. @ low level, armeabi-v7a compatible armeabi, but not vice versa.

can add more debug , give more info?


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