ios - Dismissing location and notifcation settings Xcode Ui testing -
i writing ui tests app. have 2 alerts, location , notifications. struggling find solution in order dismiss these alerts.
currently using
systemalertmonitortoken = adduiinterruptionmonitorwithdescription(systemalerthandlerdescription) { (alert) -> bool in if alert.buttons.matchingidentifier("ok").count > 0 { alert.buttons["ok"].tap() return true } else { return false } }
let notifications =["ok"] if notifications.exists { notifications.tap() }
however both functions not allowing me dismiss alerts.
now have added
app.buttons["ok"].tap() app.tap()
to code, means tests failing due xct looking button "ok" straight away when isnt notification pops straight away. want alert ok dismissed when pops not on first thing launch.
the interruption monitor trigger next time try interact app, need have code after interruption monitor registered whatever want after dismissing alert, e.g tapping button in ui.
when code gets part next interact ui, handler completion handler executed , system alert dealt with.
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