Using Google Adsense ads on Angular 2 application -
i there way use google adsense ads on angular 2 app?
i've seeing google adsense ads in angular 2 components? answer isn't working me. see blank space instead of ad. i'm trying place responsive ad. did answer in above question said, template code:
<div class="text-center"> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;height:150px" data-ad-client="my ca-pub" data-ad-slot="my ad slot"></ins> </div>
any ideas?
the answer in link worked me. better managed improve code can use dynamic slot info.
import { component, afterviewinit, input } "@angular/core" @component({ moduleid:, selector: "google-adsense", template: ` <div> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block;" data-ad-client="write_your_pub_" []="data" data-ad-format="auto"></ins> </div> <br> `, }) export class bannercomponent implements afterviewinit { @input() data; constructor() {} ngafterviewinit() { settimeout(() => { try { (window["adsbygoogle"] = window["adsbygoogle"] || []).push({}); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }, 2000); } }
add in html want ad appear
<google-adsense [data]="your_slot_id"></google-adsense>
add google adsense script in main html file
<script async src=//>/script>
don't forget add app.module.
in other hand, google adsense banners doesn't show in localserver , if it's in server takes time shown up. can sure it's working changing backup ads property
fill space solid color
in google adsense portal.
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