c++ - Remove comments from file and keep integers -
i trying remove comments .txt file. text file looks this:
(* sunspot data collected robin mcquinn *) (* http://sidc.oma.be/html/sunspot.html *) (* month: 1749 01 *) 58 (* month: 1749 02 *) 63 (* month: 1749 03 *) 70 (* month: 1749 04 *) 56
the comments between (* , *).i need keep 58,63,70, , 56 file.
my code removing of chars not properly. code looks this:
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <iterator> #include <algorithm> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cctype> #include <numeric> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; int main() { int digit = 1; string filename; //cout getting user path //the compiler parses string literals differently use double backslash or forward slash cout << "enter path of data file, sure include extension." << endl; cout << "you can use either of following:" << endl; cout << "a forwardslash or double backslash separate each directory." << endl; getline(cin, filename); //gets file ifstream infile{filename}; istream_iterator<char> infile_begin{ infile }; istream_iterator<char> eof{}; vector<char> file{ infile_begin, eof }; for(int =0; < file.size(); i++){ if(!isdigit(file[i])) { if(file[i] != ')') { file.erase(file.begin(),file.begin()+i); } } } copy(begin(file), end(file), ostream_iterator<char>(cout, " ")); }
should not use vector.erase()
? know not right in code. if case better solution? know in c can write memory , go each location, better way?
i first save string, prepare string , then safely push_back result vector. used std::regex filter file. it's not easiest, though.
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <regex> #include <fstream> int main(){ std::string file_name; std::cout << "enter name/path of txt file: "; std::getline(std::cin, file_name); std::ifstream file(file_name); std::vector<int> vec; //here save integers std::string text; //save current line here std::smatch match; //here found "comment" get's saved, later removed text std::regex remove("[\(\*]\.*[\*\)] *"); //the expression search //translation // _[\(\*] -> (* // _\.* -> number of characters // _[\*\)] -> *) // _ * -> number of whitespaces (important cast integer).. while (std::getline(file, text)){ //loop through lines in file.txt if (std::regex_search(text, match, remove)){ //if comment found text.erase(text.begin(), text.begin() + match[0].length()); //remove comment } if (!text.empty()) { //empty, line pure comment vec.push_back(std::stoi(text)); //else add integer list } } std::cout << "the file contains:" << std::endl; (int = 0; < vec.size(); i++){ std::cout << vec.at(i) << std::endl; } return 0; }
enter name/path of txt file: file.txt file contains: 58 63 70 56
of course, using std::stoi
works if there no characters after integer. well, idea , of course highly modifiable.
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