tfs - Binary File Merge in GIT in Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate -

we using tfs git source control.

i trying pull latest version having issue dll files being out of sync.

i have done following;

tried pull latest commits team explorer menu. message;

an error occurred: 33 uncommitted changes overwritten merge

so ran commit , included excluded files. included dlls etc.i did going team explorer -> changes

then added 33 untracked files, , committed locally.

next, clicked sync , pull incoming commits menu.

i message;

pull completed conflicts. resolve conflicts , commit results.

i click 'resolve conflicts' link , gives list of 77 files (dlls csproj , pdb files). see screenshot below;

team explorer on merge

however, when click keep local or keep remote link nothing happens.

if select merge button message

git popup 2

can direct me how resolve this?

git repositories do not handle binaries well. git optimized text files, can diff , compress. binaries cannot diffed , compressed, cause repository bloat -- git has store entire binary every time commit new version of it. causes repo become massive , slow clone, having huge negative impact when switching branches.

the correct way handle assembly references use package manager allow binaries restored @ build time, not committed source control. gives additional flexibility around managing versions of assemblies.

for other types of binaries (such images), git lfs allows use effective blob storage binaries, while still keeping repository lean , consisting of easily-diffable/compressible text. tfs 2015 update 2 supports git lfs, earlier versions not.

that said, definitely should set .gitignore file (if don't have 1 already) make sure bin , obj folders not in source control; absolutely should not ever in source control; makes no sense. if have bunch of old commits polluting history, can remove them tool bfg, aware rewrites history of git repo, may cause problems other team members. it's should do, should coordinated rest of team make sure no 1 hits problems.


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