Java and MySql set unicode characters for this class -
i trying input unicode characters (greek) database. read in order have set unicode characters active. how can set character set unicode specific class?
public class database { public static database busdatabase = null; protected string connection_url = ""; protected string driver_name = ""; protected string name = ""; protected string user = ""; protected string password = ""; protected class driver_class = null; protected static connection connection = null; protected resultset results = null; protected string current_table = ""; protected boolean error = false; public database(string name, string user, string password) { this(name, user, password, "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306", "com.mysql.jdbc.driver"); } //public void run() { // con = (connection)drivermanager.getconnection(connection_url, user, password); //} public static boolean getcon() throws sqlexception { return connection.isvalid(0); } public database(string name, string user, string password, string connection_url, string driver_name) { = name; this.user = user; this.password = password; this.connection_url = connection_url; this.driver_name = driver_name; } public static void openbusdatabase() { try { busdatabase = new database("appointments", "root", "27121993petros", "jdbc:mysql://localhost", "com.mysql.jdbc.driver");; system.out.println("dbopened"); } catch (exception ex) { throw new invalidqueryexception("unable open database " + ex.getmessage()); } } }
pass parameter boolean make connection dynamically based on requirements. need encoding @ database end well, hope there.
based on condition change connectivity string.
optionally, collation can specified, such as: &connectioncollation=utf8_general_ci
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