amazon web services - Ruby on rails project deploy to server -
i have ruby on rails project. runs on pc command "rails s". decided deploy aws using capistrano. server side, using puma + nginx + mysql stack. (i following guide:
i got error when run "cap production deploy":
tasks: top => deploy:assets:precompile (see full trace running task --trace) deploy has failed error: exception while executing deploy2@ rake exit status: 1 rake stdout: rake aborted! sass::syntaxerror: invalid css after "...e bootstrap.min": expected "{", "" (sass):6648
i found out file app/assets/stylesheets/application.css causes error. in file, have 1 line:
*= require bootstrap.min
i think correct. because app can run on pc. if remove line, there no error when run "cap production deploy". app can deploy server , run on server. no css web pages. new ruby on rails. don't know details after these files. can suggest should in order make app deploy server successfully?
rename stylesheet application.scss
(note scss extension) , make sure contains line:
//= require bootstrap.min
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