python - Not able to download pyxplorer package using pip? -

i referring url profile data , profile data need pyxplorer inside of python interpreter when try install pyxplorer package gives me error like:

collecting pyxplorer not find version satisfies requirement pyxplorer (from versions: ) no matching distribution found pyxplorer

command install package is:

pip install pyxplorer

i know below link data profiling(pyxplorer)

1) 2)

the links have tried are:

1)pip cannot install anything

2) could not find downloads satisfy requirement newrelic-plugin-agent

thanks in advance.

it looks pyxplorer package on pypi invalid , doesn't contain release data. have @ releases key of json pyxplorer - it's empty array, normal packages more this.

the best solution install directly github, so:

pip install git+ 

(you may need use sudo on unix-like systems or run administrator on windows)

it might wise file issue on pyxplorer bug tracker know this.


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