android - Animate pie diagram as a background of TextView from one state to another -

i setting background of textviewin android pie diagram. have used layerdrawable of arcshape(s) , set background. here code that:

final shapedrawable arcgreen = new shapedrawable(new arcshape(-90, correctangle)); arcgreen.getpaint().setcolor(contextcompat.getcolor(this, r.color.feedback_score_3));  final shapedrawable arcred = new shapedrawable(new arcshape(-90 + correctangle, 360 - correctangle)); arcred.getpaint().setcolor(contextcompat.getcolor(this, r.color.feedback_score_1));  final drawable[] layer = {arcgreen, arcred, mask}; final layerdrawable ld = new layerdrawable(layer);  msvaralayout.getchildat(i).setbackground(ld); 

now, want animate background when value of correctangle changes. 1 of options see use valueanimator , go initial value new correctvalue , each time inside onanimationupdate() callback create new layerdrawable object changed values , set background. other way have been drawables(s) in background first(which shapedrawable(<arcshape>)objects , set angles of arcs. guess there no way so. there other way achieve this?


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