Access User Form unintentionally altering data table records -

i have been using ms access aid in generating pdf reports based on table. have created form contains text box entering client's name (this value in main table) , button when clicked runs code:

private sub cmdprintrecord_click()      dim strreportname string     dim strcriteria string      strreportname = "current sp report"     strcriteria = "[owner]='" & me![owner] & "'"     docmd.openreport strreportname, acviewpreview, , strcriteria  end sub 

the idea here generate individual pdf report based on clients name.

the above procedure has been able however, have encountered run it, data in table affected, client name field.

for example: i'll run report client "anthony" , shows 10 products correct, if go , run same report again show 11 products. if procedure here altering data table.

how can troubleshoot issue , or there alternatives recommended?


attached ms link obtained source code:


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