javascript - Webpack offline plugin how to add assets to sw.js -

i'm trying add webpack , offline-plugin existing project use gulp - webpack working fine adding offline-plugin giving hard time,

what did adding offline-plugin throw npm


const {resolve} = require('path') const webpackvalidator = require('webpack-validator') const offlineplugin = require('offline-plugin');   module.exports = webpackvalidator({             context: resolve('app/scripts'),             entry: ["./main.js","./skrollr.js"],             output: {                 filename: "[name].[hash].js",             },devtool: 'eval',             module: {                 loaders :[                         {test:/\.(jsx|js)$/,exclude: /node_modules/,loader: 'imports?jquery=jquery,$=jquery,this=>window'},                         { test: /\.css$/,exclude: /node_modules/, loader: "style-loader!css-loader" },                         { test: /\.eot$/, loader: "file-loader" },                         { test: /\.woff2$/, loader: "file-loader" },                         { test: /\.woff$/, loader: "file-loader" },                         { test: /\.svg$/, loader: "file-loader" },                         { test: /\.ttf$/, loader: "file-loader" }]                     },             resolve: {                         extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx','.css','.eot','.woff2','.woff','.svg','.ttf']                     },                  plugins: [new offlineplugin({                     caches:{"main":['images/bgz.jpg','app/images/hamburger.svg','app/images/logo_grey.svg']},                     externals:['images/bgz.jpg','app/images/hamburger.svg','app/images/logo_grey.svg'],serviceworker:{output:'/sw.js'}})] }); 

main.js main file project

var skrollr = require('./skrollr.js'); require('../styles/main.css');   (function () {    'use strict';     $("#skrollr-body").css("background","green");       require('../../node_modules/offline-plugin/runtime').install();      if ('serviceworker' in navigator) {          navigator.serviceworker.register('/sw.js', {scope:           './'}).then(function(registration) {       document.queryselector('#status').textcontent = 'succeeded';           }).catch(function(error) {            document.queryselector('#status').textcontent = error;        });          } else {            // current browser doesn't support service workers.               var aelement = document.createelement('a');                 aelement.href = '';             aelement.textcontent = 'unavailable';              document.queryselector('#status').appendchild(aelement);           } 

now when ever running prject use :


it return

hash: 496a6f3a79110e844236 version: webpack 1.13.2 time: 3167ms                    asset       size  chunks             chunk names main.496a6f3a79110e844236.js    1.01 mb       0  [emitted]  main                    sw.js    14.4 kb          [emitted]   appcache/manifest.appcache  134 bytes          [emitted]   appcache/manifest.html   58 bytes          [emitted]    [0] multi main 40 bytes {0} [built]   + 8 hidden modules   child __offline_serviceworker:     + 3 hidden modules 

then run gulp server :

gulp serve 

and inspect sw.js returns , shows bundle.js file served not of filses added plugins main cahches object :

var __wpo = { "assets": {  "main": [    "../.././scripts/bundle.js"    ],   "additional": [],    "optional": []  }, "hashesmap": {  "f250efd8234ae0d9bbb5e1db4a4ce8bf": "../.././scripts/bundle.js"  },  "strategy": "all",  "version": "9/6/2016, 6:40:24 pm",  "name": "webpack-offline",  "relativepaths": true  }; 

so way i'm using offline-plugin currect , how add othere files cached , served form serviceworker , confing should add throw webpack confing autmatclicy

my project file tree :

/_   /app       /index.html       /images           /bgz.jpg           /hamburger.svg           /logo_grey.svg       /fonts       /scripts          /main.js          /bundel.js     /node_moudles   sw.js   packge.json   webpack.config.js  

i used this:

new offlineplugin({   version: '[hash]',   responsestrategy: 'network-first',   safetouseoptionalcaches: true,   serviceworker: {     events: true,     output: 'static/js/sw.js'   } }) 

and seems include assets.


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