sql server - how to convert rows to columns using sql query -

pls see below query

 select d.emp_id, e.emp_name, a.proj_code, b.proj_name, a.activity_code, c.activity_name, convert(char(4), a.effort_date, 100) + convert(char(4), a.effort_date, 120) month, a.effort_hours timesheet_activity left join project_master b on a.proj_code = b.proj_code left join activity_master c on a.activity_code = c.activity_code left join timesheet d on a.timesheet_id = d.timesheet_id left join employee_master e on d.emp_id = e.emp_id b.proj_name in ('sales support') , (a.effort_date between (select convert(varchar(10), convert(date, '30-06-2014', 105), 23))  , (select convert(varchar(10), convert(date, '02-07-2014', 105), 23))) 

the result this.

enter image description here

now want show below.

emp_id  emp_name  proj_code  activity_code  activity_name jun 2014  jul 2014 101257  chris      1001       9001           test          1.5         1 

i want make months columns , show efforts hours same.

any suggestions highly appreciated

with abc ( paste query result here ) select * abc pivot (max(effort_hours) month in ([jun 2014],[jul 2014])) maxhrs

you change function max math function want selecting condition


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