How to reduce number of ticks in Axes3D object (in Matplotlib) -

when plot axes3d object, number of ticks on x/y axes somehow changing (for example, 1x1 object, there 5 ticks on each axes, while 2x2 object, there 7 ticks on each axes, see below screenshots)

3d plot 1x1 object: 3d plot 1x1 object

3d plot 2x2 object: 3d plot 2x2 object

the problem number of tick-labels lower number of ticks, therefore tick-labels moved beginning of axes.

so, how can reduce/setup number of ticks?

here code:

my_w = 2 my_h = 2         x1_list_int = []     x2_list_int = []     y1_list_int = [[],[]]  y1_list_int = [[0 x in range(my_w)] y in range(my_h)] #matrix initialization   in xrange(my_w):     print     x1_list_int.append(i*10)     x2_list_int.append(i+1)              in xrange(my_w):     j in xrange(my_h):                  y1_list_int[i][j] = (i-3)*(j-2)+20      data = np.array(y1_list_int)                             column_names = x2_list_int     row_names = x1_list_int         fig = plt.figure()            ax = axes3d(fig)       lx= len(data[0])            # work out matrix dimensions     ly= len(data[:,0])               xpos = np.arange(0,lx,1)    # set mesh of positions     ypos = np.arange(0,ly,1)     xpos, ypos = np.meshgrid(xpos+0.25, ypos+0.25)      xpos = xpos.flatten()   # convert positions 1d array     ypos = ypos.flatten()     zpos = np.zeros(lx*ly)      dx = 0.5 * np.ones_like(zpos)     dy = dx.copy()                dz = data.flatten()      ax.bar3d(xpos,ypos,zpos, dx, dy, dz, color='#00ceaa')      ax.w_xaxis.set_ticklabels(column_names)     ax.w_yaxis.set_ticklabels(row_names, rotation = 0)           label_x1 = 'x1'     label_x2 = 'x2'     label_y1 = 'y1'      ax.set_xlabel(label_x2)     ax.set_ylabel(label_x1)     ax.set_zlabel(label_y1)      #-- save plot file     plt.savefig(self.picture_file_path_1)     ....     plt.close() # final. data clean-up 

i have found solution. here is:

from matplotlib.ticker import maxnlocator ..... ax.w_yaxis.set_major_locator(maxnlocator(len(x1_list_int)+1)) ax.w_xaxis.set_major_locator(maxnlocator(len(x2_list_int)+1))     ..... 


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