Elasticsearch Aggregation Max Value -

{ "aggs":{     "nest_exams":{         "nested":{             "path": "exams"         },         "aggs":{             "exams":{                 "filter" : {                      "term": {                         "exams.exam_id": 96690                     }                  },                 "aggs":{                     "nested_attempts":{                         "nested":{                             "path": "exams.attempts"                         },                         "aggs":{                             "user_attempts":{                                 "terms":{                                     "field": "exams.attempts.user_id",                                     "size": 0                                 },                                 "aggs":{                                     "max_score":{                                         "max":{                                             "field": "exams.attempts.order_score"                                         }                                     }                                 }                             }                         }                     }                 }             }         }     }         } 

hello, have aggregation query. problem can found max_score per user, can't sub aggregate max aggregator find date of best score.

an attempt have user_id,order_score,date_start

an alternative not run max metric sub-aggregation, top_hits instead sorted descending max_score can retrieve date_start of document:

{   "aggs": {     "nest_exams": {       "nested": {         "path": "exams"       },       "aggs": {         "exams": {           "filter": {             "term": {               "exams.exam_id": 96690             }           },           "aggs": {             "nested_attempts": {               "nested": {                 "path": "exams.attempts"               },               "aggs": {                 "user_attempts": {                   "terms": {                     "field": "exams.attempts.user_id",                     "size": 0                   },                   "aggs": {                     "max_score": {                       "top_hits": {                         "sort": {                           "exams.attempts.order_score": "desc"                         },                         "size": 1,                         "_source": [                           "date_start"                         ]                       }                     }                   }                 }               }             }           }         }       }     }   } } 


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