Docker-machine swarm; how to open ports on VM -

trying out new "swarm mode", following this. have created 3 vm's via docker-machine create --driver virtual box <name>. how open ports on them?

it might work docker run -p <public-port>:<internal-port> <image> executed on node. however, since want run swarm, guess better follow guide solve routing mess here. if follow author's suggestions, need create swarm (i.e. docker host cluster) first docker-machine commands, e.g.

docker-machine create --driver virtualbox swarm-1 docker-machine create --driver virtualbox swarm-2 

setup swarm with

eval $(docker-machine env swarm-1) docker swarm init --advertise-addr $(docker-machine ip swarm-1) 

join other machines (if there any) with

eval $(docker-machine env swarm-2) docker swarm join \  --token <yourtoken> 

where found in output of docker swarm init command.

then author suggests create network

docker network create --driver overlay webnet 

and publish port defining service like

docker service create --name webapp --replicas=2 --network webnet --publish 80:8000 <yourdockerimage> 

in example, yourdockerimage running service internally on port 8000, mapped docker host port 80. then, can access service e.g. by

curl http://<ip-address of docker swarm node>:80 

note, can access ip address of docker swarm node. docker swarm magic , route request container of service, if have chosen ip address of node no container of service running on.


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