angularjs - Angular $http callbacks not working for HTTP 304 in Chrome -

i encountering problem angular 1.5 , not find similar question via google. welcome change, problem not exist in ie, happens in latest version of chrome.

when approach json api , send same get request twice in row, first request returns 200 ok , second returns 304 not modified. doing request 'cache-control': 'no-cache' simulate how our (generated) api client performs requests. cache control enabled, both requests executed correctly (see f12) , program terminates. cache control disabled, both requests executed correctly (f12) program not terminate.

is bug in chrome, or bug in angular's $http, or missing crucial detail?

thanks time!

minimal example on jsfiddle


hi sending request 1 success 1! resolved 1! sending request 2 

fixed after chrome update.

body must @ least 30 characters.


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