javascript - Chartjs - how to make line position to vertical center and how to display dotted sharp in the backround? -

i ask how configure chart using chartjs library result similar on image below in right way? tried find option in documentation, without luck.

enter image description here

many advice.

chart.js version 2+

use borderdash property in scales.x|yaxes.gridlines configuration object.

example :

var options = {     scales: {                 xaxes: [{                    gridlines: {                       display: true,                       linewidth: 1,                       borderdash: [1, 2],                       color: "black"                     }                 }],                 yaxes: [{                    gridlines: {                       display: true,                       linewidth: 1,                       borderdash: [1, 2],                       color: "black"                     }                 }],             } } 


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